Archive by Author | abbyswings

Nudist cheerleaders practicing our cheers for Super Bowl

Norma and me practicing our cheers for Super Bowl –
Well the big game is almost here between the Colts and Saints.
Who’s going to win?
Norma and I’ll be cheering on both teams.
So, are we the two hottest cheerleaders on flickr or what, LOL!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying our pic

Nude Guests at the Terra Cotta Inn, California

We’re always happy to take pics with guests

Every week, Tom and I take nudist pics with our guests.

Most guests keep the pics for their own memories. Only a few guests let us post the nude pics on flickr.

Sadly most people are afraid for their jobs if a nude pic of them were to appear online or if someone were to find out they were a nudist. Teachers are especially afraid.

So when you are here, Tom and I are happy to have a pic taken with you using your camera. If you want us to post it to flickr, then just say so and we will use Tom”s camera.

This entry was posted on January 31, 2010, in Swingers.

Waiting for my lunch to be served….

About Amish Girl / Katey Glenn

I was born in Lancaster County Pennsylvannia and raised an Anabaptist (Amish). When I turned 18 I was able to convince my parents to allow me to follow my older four brother’s footsteps and experience the world beyond Lancaster County. They allowed me to attend a small college in Upstate New York, a buggy ride away. While at college I learned a whole new meaning to the word Intercourse….Guess what folks, it ain’t just a town.